Logo Brucified
Logo Brucified
Show Brucified

Onze bandleden

“Bands are all about what happens, they’re musicians, who come from the same streets, the same passions and influences, who go in search of lightning and thunder. They come together in a whole that is greater than the sum of their parts. They may not be the best players, that’s not necessary. They need to be the right players, and when they play together, there is a communion of souls, and a natural brotherhood, and sisterhood, manifests itself, and a quest, a quest is begun, you’re in search of something, an adventure’s undertaken, and you ride shotgun. In a real band, principles of math get stood on their head, and one plus one equals three”

Bruce Springsteen – Tenth Avenue Freeze Out (introduction), Springsteen on Broadway

Brucified is:

Nick Dekkers

Lead Zanger

Mike Dekkers

Basgitaar & Vocals

Theun Sterken


Ellen Vosters

Vocals & percussie

Jorik Dekkers


Nico van Leeuwen

Saxofoon & percussie

Jan de Wijs


Paul van Acht

Piano, Keys & Vocals

Marco van de Donk


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